This year has been an amazing season, and it is great to see hard work and dedication pay off with a district championship and #1 seed in the playoffs. Our first round opponent is Leander High School (the #4 seed from the Roundrock Area). Our kids are really excited about being in this position. GO EAGLES! Attached is our Playoff shirt Design...
On the homefront Avery and Tatum got to open their big birthday present a little early, which was a little tikes waterslide (which wasnt so little). They had a blast which left me wondering why they didnt have things like this when I was young??? I had the fun task of uprooting and hacking up some shrubs in the front yard, and creating some flower garden space. We actually do have a front door, and now it is visible. Wooohoo!
Also Happy Birthday Brent (May 1st) -my middle bro - and congrats on purchasing a new home that looks great. Little bro Brandon has a good job and is learning to be an electrician- great to see him start to figure out what he wants in life- an answered prayer! I'm really proud of them both! God has really blessed the Kratky family thus far this year, no doubt about it!
get me a shirt. those are great!